Thursday, 14 April 2016

Facebook will soon let everyone stream live video from any device including Drones ! 

 How cool is that? ..
Airborne Works will no doubt be streaming to Facebook in the very near future.

The annual F8 conference is the time of year when developers within the Facebook community get together to see what’s in store for the future. There have been plenty of headlines so far, but one in particular will be of interest to drone enthusiasts. It concerns Facebook Live, a streaming capability that was, until today, exclusive to smartphone users. The idea is that you record something on your phone, and anyone, anywhere in the world, can stream it live. 

During his keynote speech today, founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced that the company is opening up its API for Facebook Live. This will eventually allow users to stream live video from any device. This is where things get interesting, as now drone users all over the world will be able to stream flights in real time onto the social media platform. Zuckerberg demonstrated the new concept using a DJI Phantom drone. The Chinese drone manufacturer is one of several launch partners for the new look Facebook Live, and it surely won’t be long until competitors take advantage of Facebook streaming too.

DJI users will be aware that live-streaming has been available since back in 2015 with the release of the Phantom 3. However, that capability only works with YouTube. With Facebook, pilots now have another way to gain exposure, publicity or just share work amongst their friends.

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